goal setting – planning – habits – mindset


As an Elementary School Principal, I know first hand that the curriculum does not teach kids how to build momentum to be successful in their goals.

The training I teach is a framework for goal setting and habits. It teaches kids, teens and adults how to take control of their daily decisions. It teaches them discipline and builds confidence and momentum in order for them to conquer their biggest goals!

“I have always been a very ambitious person with lots of goals and aspirations, but I never knew how to take the necessary steps to get the ball rolling in achieving them. In working with Michelle, I have had the opportunity to put these goals into action and I have seen truly remarkable progress in my accomplishments. Michelle’s passion, care, and continued support have allowed me to truly start becoming the person I have always wanted to be and has given me direction on my path of continued growth and wellness.”


Through a series of workshops and sessions, I will teach your team how to tap into their mental game potential. So many athletes have the skill to perform but they are missing the mental aspect of their sport, the confidence to go further and achieve more.


The hardest thing as a parent is to teach your own kids about their true potential; they have to find it themselves and we can be there to support them, hold them accountable and cheer them on. However, at the end of the day you can’t want it more than they do! My framework will help switch the accountability from you to them!


As adults we spend so much time worrying about taking care of everyone else and we often lose sense of ourselves. My systems are straight forward, realistic and sustainable, you just have to be willing to. make the commitment. I never knew how much I was capable of until I gave myself permission to commit to myself more than I was.



certified wellness coach

As a wife, and a mom of two I understand the struggle of learning to balance life. Professionally, I am a Principal and a Certified Wellness Coach. I work with both adults and kids to create healthy habits that reflect their goals and visions.

Although life keeps me busy, I live every day motivated to help people make changes in their lives by altering their daily habits in order to make better decisions for their mental health and well being. As a former Canadian Barefoot Waterskier that skied for Canada’s National Team, I know first hand the dedication and commitment it takes to creating habits in order to achieve your true potential. When you are committed to yourself and are fuelled by each step you take, you will make change and will be inspired by every new door that opens.


Invest in yourself and exhibit full potential, self motivation,
discipline and accountability.

The Athlete Workbook & Everyday Workbook – Goal Setting Framework for Success

Personalized Daybook for Time Management Success

“believing in yourself takes more than just saying it,
your actions need to reflect it!”